Point-and-Click Configurable OnBase Workflow leverages point-and-click configurable rules and actions to rapidly build custom business applications. With over 180+ available rules and actions , Workflow designers and business analysts can immediately leverage these functions out of the box to rapidly build workflow process automation.
Much, if not all, of the programming that is required by traditional workflow systems has been eliminated.
OnBase Workflow solves numerous business problems for organisations, including:
- Excessive time and expense spent authoring code from scratch including writing, testing, user acceptance testing and moving all functionality to a production environment
Delays associated with obtaining a Return on Investment (ROI)
A lower total cost of ownership for the solution over time
Resource-intensive process changes for manual or custom coded processes
Inconsistent implementation of manual and ad hoc-intensive processes.
OnBase Workflow is a proven application used to automate many business applications across multiple industries, including:
Financial Services
Health Care