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OnBase Workflow is an electronic document routing system that enables users to process work more efficiently, faster and more accurately than paper-based processes by providing:

Workflow enables organisations to address key business problems by significantly decreasing paper costs and document processing time while increasing staff productivity and input, storage, and retrieval accuracy through a simple and flexible user interface. Workflow provides:

  • Highly configurable  security parameters that provide granular document security with full audit capabilities
  • A flexible graphical user interface that can be customized and filtered by role
  • Simple to configure Web Server interaction with external SOA Workflow processes
  • Load balancing, alternate routing logic, ad hoc workflow, VB Scripts, and simple APIs enhancing Workflow functionality
  • Workflow process management and continuous improvement tools through Business Process Management ( BPM Tools Suite ).

OnBase Workflow is a proven application used to automate many business applications across multiple industries, including:

Financial Services
Health Care

Core Features

Ensures paper-based transactions are processed in a standard and controlled manner

  • Point-and-click configuration enables rapid development and deployment
  • Provides process automation, eliminating human interaction from certain processing steps
  • Multiple levels of integrated security, ensuring that sensitive documents are protected.