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Healthcare Modules

Complementing its core ECM functionality, OnBase offers modules that are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of healthcare payers and providers. Recognized by the AHA and KLAS, OnBase is used by more than 500 healthcare organisations.   OnBase Healthcare Solutions  include Paperless Patient Registration, EMR augmentation, Revenue Cycle Management and Inpatient Pharmacy.

OnBase Healthcare Modules such as the EDI 835 EOB Processor, EDI 837 Processor and HL7 Listener/Sender enhance existing clinical and billing applications by consolidating paper-based and electronic documents, reducing manual labor and improving timeliness and accuracy of data. As a result, providers and payers can complement their existing healthcare IT investments and reduce IT complexity.

Patient care is also impacted by OnBase Healthcare Solutions. Whether a provider needs a comprehensive Medical Records Manager or to bridge the gap between an electronic health record and documents generated outside of that system, OnBase provides an easy-to-use, cost-effective solution that can be rapidly deployed with minimal impact on users. OnBase can be integrated with virtually any hospital information system, including those from Epic Systems Corp . or GE Centricity applications , as well as PACS systems. To improve patient safety and medical record accuracy, OnBase can also listen for Sentillion CCOW messages to support user sign on as well as switch patient context from outside applications.

A number of other OnBase modules are typically used by healthcare organisations.  Capture and Imaging modules are an intrinsic part of most healthcare solutions. For example,  Front Office Scanning is used to drive paperless patient registration solutions.