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Customer Programs

Treating our customers like family is one of the central values of Datacapture. Datacapture Customer Programs Group is dedicated to ensuring our users are receiving the latest information about OnBase and Datacap, from new product launches to enhancements, tips, tricks and tools to unleash newfound potential within installed OnBase and Datacap systems. This education happens via conferences and events, newsletters, online seminars and various user group activities.

Partner Conferences and Events
Hyland Onbase Software offers different types of events for different types of users.  Our largest programs include the annual OnBase Training & Technology Conference and our semi-annual TechQuest conferences.  For more information on either conference or to see where OnBase will be in the next few months, visit the available conference and event sites:

User Groups
Online User Groups
A Vertical OnBase Group of User Experts, or VOGUE, is an industry-specific OnBase user group.  Each offers you an opportunity to learn more about OnBase and ECM in your industry through a Web site, newsletters, webinars, forums and user meetings and is a great opportunity for you to network with other industry specific OnBase users - whether you are a business user, an administrator or both.

To find out more about the VOGUEs, view the various Web sites or join a VOGUE, please visit our VOGUE web site .

Regional User Groups
Currently, there are several regionally-based OnBase End User Groups.  These groups meet regularly to discuss OnBase and share their experiences.  To find out if there is a regional group in your area, or if you are interested in starting a regional group, please contact [email protected] .

User Program Webinars
Looking for OnBase product information, to brush up on your OnBase skills, or for a closer look into the software and some complementary products? Look no further than the User Program webinar series.  Webinars are offered several times weekly and cover topics for End Users to Administrators to Business Decision Makers.

See our listing of upcoming User Program webinars .

Remember, if you miss a webinar, you always can access the recording and related materials from the program archive pages .